09 February 2005

happy year of cock!

Happy Chinese New Year, Grasshopper(s)!
Click to enlarge.
But, Lay on Ground, Light Fuse, Don't Get Away = "Cock Up"
Here's your fortune, Cookie, some helpful taboos for youse to use, and some inscrutable epigrams
And, if you're into it, much more info than you would ever really need
Get your free .pdf chinese year calendar, or chicken thesis, or a list of other fun links
Confucius say, 'Man who go sideways through airport turnstile with erection, going to Bangkok!'
Time for a CockTail? Cocksoup? Or a Cock and Bull Tale? How about an interspecies transfer of H5N1?
Chicken? Control chaos in the coop with this clever clucker collecting coup.
MmmmMaoMao,MamaMmmmMaoMaoMao; SurferBird [The Cocks?]
Save the Cocks (forget the people)
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